March 2008, in the mountains above Torti, Panama:

Father Wally Kasuboski invited us to join him in a ride up the mountain to share in his vision of building a dam to secure a continuous supply of fresh mountain water from a year-round source for the several thousand, and growing, indigenous and native people who lived in the villages below along the Pan American Highway.

It was an experience that left us all anxious to return the following January to begin construction...and every January since.  We are one year away from our final goal.  In January of 2016, we will finish pouring the final 1350 bags of cement...give or take a few bags.  We had hoped to be finished this year, but the engineers said, “Raise it another 3’ and you will quadruple the capacity.”

Every year, funds have been raised from private donations and passed into the hands of Ripon Rotary and Rotary International where funds are matched $0.50 on the dollar.

A DVD for each year has charted the growth of the dam, and is used for presentations to thank patrons of Father Wally’s project and give them the opportunity to see how their funds are used.  It is also a wonderful tool to inspire anyone considering joining the group next year. 

Click on the photo links at the very top of the page for a preview of the DVDs.

To schedule a presentation, please send an email to:

Call anytime: 920 294-6722

Father Wally has been working on his Mission in Panama since 1988, and his friends and supporters are many.  He is our hands and our voice, and we are happy to be a part of his many and varied projects.

For more on Father Wally, visit his website at: